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Northease Manor School

Old Northeasians Association

Since the earliest days, over 50 years ago, Northease Manor School has had an association for past pupils – the Old Northeasians Association. This group aims to facilitate links between past pupils and the present school and, through a Facebook group, provide an online way to keep up with the news of those who have left. It is maintained by Marcus Taylor, who was a teacher and Deputy Head at Northease from 1969 to 2003.


Northease is not a finishing school: if its special expertise and atmosphere has brought about the recovery of lost ground and confidence, the really interesting bit of the journey starts as they leave…. And it is beneficial all round if their progress and achievement – sometimes inspirational, unexpected or even unlikely! - is accessible to present pupils, staff and parents as well as to those who were once fellow students here.

It is hoped that, as was once the case, all leavers will be invited to join and, when they are ready, to share their news.

The ONS Facebook page can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OLDNORTHEASIANS/

For questions about the Old Northeasians, contact Marcus via marcusstaylor@btopenworld.com