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Northease Manor School


We have a strong safeguarding culture at our school.  All staff, parents and visitors to the site are asked to sign in when accessing the building and to provide proof of identity if needed.

We believe that one of the most important roles we have is to protect our community from abuse and to keep them safe from harm.  Every September, the government updates it's publication Keeping Children Safe in Education.  It provides clarity and highlights that schools should have their own individual safeguarding policy, which you can view on the Policies tab. This policy meets the needs of their children in our Northease community, with the particular kinds of issues that may be most important for them.

Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL's)

The responsibilities of our designated safeguarding leads include: Being available for all staff to discuss any safeguarding issues or concerns. Ensuring that all staff are fully trained in safeguarding and know how to spot and raise concerns. They will also help to maintain an effective staff supervision programme.

  • James Brampton
    Assistant Head - DSL, Behaviour & Engagement
  • Harry Lawrence
    Pastoral & Deputy DSL
  • Dom Border
    Pastoral & Deputy DSL


We record all of our concerns about a child using an electronic system called “My Concern” MyConcern is a secure and trusted safeguarding software that is used by schools and colleges in the UK and worldwide to record, report and manage the full range of safeguarding, pastoral and wellbeing concerns. Suitable for all educational settings, the cloud-based system enables staff to record any safeguarding concern with ease and accuracy.

We also use the term "special educational needs and disabilities" (SEND) to refer to students who have disabilities or additional needs. You may also hear other terms used, including:

  • additional needs
  • additional support for learning
  • additional learning needs.

Our staff working with students and young people with SEND are aware of the additional needs students may have that could mean they are more vulnerable to abuse and/or less able to speak out if something isn’t right.

We look out for students who may be vulnerable because they:

  • have additional communication needs
  • they do not understand that what is happening to them is abuse
  • need intimate care or are isolated from others
  • are dependent on adults for care.
  • Social attitudes and assumptions about disability can have an impact on children’s self-confidence.

Getting to know your child or young person with SEND and finding the best way to communicate with them is a positive way of building your child’s self-esteem. This can show that there is someone they can trust and communicate with and help them feel confident about letting someone know if they experience something that makes them feel uncomfortable.

Reporting Concerns

If you have any concerns about your child’s safety in the school, please

Contact the DSL 

If you have any concerns about your child’s safety in the community, the following sites may also be useful but it's important to remember that these are not a replacement for the emergency services so our advice, if something is happening that needs immediate action - ring 999.

To seek advice or report a non-urgent crime, call 101
To seek advice, or report a crime anonymously: https://crimestoppers-uk.org/ or call on 0800 555 111

Fearless is a website where you can access non-judgemental information and advice about crime and criminality. They provide you with a safe place to give information about crime which is 100% anonymous. - https://www.fearless.org/

Single Point of Advice (SPoA)

The East Sussex Single Point of Advice (SPoA) is a triage service which simplifies the referral process for professionals and families who are concerned about the mental health or emotional wellbeing of a child or young person in East Sussex. The SPoA offers information and signposting to other agencies and support that might be required to help a child, young person or family. 

For general enquiries and to discuss a referral;

Tel: 01323 464222 (Monday to Thursday 8.30am - 5pm, Friday 8.30am - 4.30pm)

Email: 0-19.SPOA@eastsussex.gov.uk